
verb: construct or arrange according to plan; give a pattern or organization to

It’s hard to believe its already September!
With any new month brings renewal but this time of year also brings structure back to our laid back to summer days. While some of us welcome this, others resist the schedules and the frenetic chaos of back to school, back to work, events on the calendars.  This year, we will embrace the beauty of the season while continuing  to adjust to some new “structures” in place. Speaking of Structure, CSM will be adding Wednesdays to our BY APPOINTMENT days (already Tuesdays and Thursdays 11-3pm) beginning 9/30

Infuse some beauty into your world with a new work of art.
Add ” make an appointment at CSM” to your TO DO list and get that on your  busy calendar!

Happy Sunday from CSM!
You got this.

“All at once summer collapsed into fall.”
-Oscar Wilde